COVID-19 and Missions

Everything in the news relates somehow to the impact of COVID-19 around the world.  Never in our lifetime have we seen anything so widespread across the globe. The whole world is taken up with this great concern.  World health care systems are overcome. The world economy is tottering. Fear is at an all-time high. This is what we see and hear all around… but what does God see?

God sees into the homes of people shut-in. He hears every individual cry for help. God is not locked in, he never tires from working around the clock, and he doesn’t need any restrictions on social distance. He draws near and meets people at their point of need. According to his riches in glory he supplies. Though shelves may be bare. Though our financial reserves may be dwindling. We have what we need.  

Those who have the Lord as their God have all that the world is ultimately seeking: help and hope. Help is being given in great measure by those are sacrificially serving on the frontlines or behind the scenes. They are God’s servants to extend his mercy to us all who deserve worse than COVID-19. The people of God have a unique mission to not only help with physical needs but also offer hope found in Jesus.   

Here are present-day examples of God’s people providing help and hope in Jesus’ Name : 

  • The multitude of zoom prayer calls organized to pray in Jesus’ name for all the needs arising from the pandemic.

  • Christian medical missions like Samaritan’s Purse setting up a temporary hospital in Central Park in Jesus’ Name.

  • The church in East Asia offering to send face masks, goggles, and thermometers to the church in America in Jesus’ Name.

  • Christians in Sãu Paulo kneeling along the road praying earnestly in Jesus’ Name for mercy upon Brazil.  

These days, prayer and service in Jesus’ Name have been stirred up in all of us. Help and hope are extended through God’s people in every place. He is seeking clean vessels who will be his instruments to spread the fame of his name to the nations.  

Pray and go. “Here I am, LORD, send me.”

Vince W.Comment