We can pray for the unreached people of the world to be reached. We can pray that God’s enemies would be brought near to him, be sanctified, and so grow to be like Jesus.
Read MoreEach member of this team plays a unique part in this dynamic balance, and it is ultimately God who orchestrates everything behind the scenes. We have been able to build meaningful connections, and as we do, we witness our God using these interactions to further his purposes.
Read MoreWhile Christ will be enough for you on the field, he will also use means (people) to support you in your life and ministry in Christ. Every mission worker should be surrounded by a team of people who will provide support to your life in Christ.
Read MoreMuch ink has been spilled over the years about the pros and cons of New Years Resolutions. What if we set resolutions that were less about ourselves and our own betterment and more about pursuing our role as ambassadors in Christ’s kingdom?
Read MoreDavid’s poetry in Psalm 96 evokes sweet memories, and the psalm reminds me to meditate on the precious, inspired, inviolable promises also declared in this psalm.
Read MoreThe progress that has been accomplished in Aweil, South Sudan, in the past few years is remarkable, but there is still so much to be done. So make arrangements, pack your bags, book a flight, and visit South Sudan because it will change your life, as well as give you the opportunity to change the lives of others.
Read MoreMy life is different now from when we left Alexandria. I have had to adapt to new social norms, and life here is most definitely different from the coast of the Mediterranean with family. Today, my joys are steeped in knowing Christ and sharing the gospel.
Read MoreThe late Reverend Kenneth G. Smith was a lifelong supporter of missions in the Reformed Presbyterian Church. He supported the work financially, supported workers on the field, and was a field worker himself.
Read MoreThe RPGM short term teams all receive training focused on developing a vision for taking the gospel to the nations. The training, alongside the significant amount of time set aside for our trips, gives this program an advantage over other shorter programs.
Read MoreThrough investing in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ locally, we can support them in life’s everyday challenges and joys, and we can support them as they serve Christ in missions across the globe.
Read MoreWorship has begun. The psalms now ring with the joining of people’s voices to praise our Lord. An order of worship has been established for over a year now. It looks much like an order of worship that is used in the RP Churches in the U.S. but you might not be able to tell because it is all in Dinka. Prayers, offering, and singing are a little different here, too.
Read MoreI express the best I can my sympathy for their hardships, and it is because of my deep love for them that I feel the burdens they carry. And I can offer hope through our Lord Jesus Christ; I can offer peace; I can offer the truth and assurance that his word says to “be patient in tribulation” and explain what that means.
Read MoreMy parents never expected to have a child become an overseas field worker, but they certainly support the one who did.
Read MoreUnmet expectations bring about emotions of various kinds. This happens to all of us! The higher the (unfulfilled) unrealistic expectations, the greater will be the emotional responses.
Read MoreWe are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession. These are corporate descriptions. People of every nation, language, and color are joined together as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Read MoreToo often the gospel is treated like a trophy that we receive and place on a mantle. When we have time, we stop to admire and appreciate it. Then we go about our business as if nothing has changed.
Read MoreThe Apostle Paul begins with praise and continues with the wonderful benefits of salvation: born again. . . a living hope. . .an inheritance kept in heaven for us. These blessings of salvation are enough to meditate on for hours!
Read MoreNote that God is “sitting.” He’s not pacing. He’s not biting his nails. He’s calm. His authority is secure regardless of what these kings say, do, or plot.
Read More. . .we are looking to the Holy Spirit to lead the Christians we met in this port city in the way of truth and the love of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreLooking back, it seems crazy to think that when I first arrived in Parot, everyone was a stranger, and I could not tell who was who. Those strange faces became my friends, sisters, and teachers. Those living on the compound became family.
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