Tea with Melissa: A Lord’s Day in Parot

Worship has begun. The psalms now ring with the joining of people’s voices to praise our Lord. An order of worship has been established for over a year now. It looks much like an order of worship that is used in the RP Churches in the U.S. but you might not be able to tell because it is all in Dinka. Prayers, offering, and singing are a little different here, too.

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Guest AuthorComment
Tea with Melissa

I express the best I can my sympathy for their hardships, and it is because of my deep love for them that I feel the burdens they carry. And I can offer hope through our Lord Jesus Christ; I can offer peace; I can offer the truth and assurance that his word says to “be patient in tribulation” and explain what that means.

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Guest AuthorComment
Missionary Expectations

Unmet expectations bring about emotions of various kinds. This happens to all of us! The higher the (unfulfilled) unrealistic expectations, the greater will be the emotional responses.

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Vince W.Comment
The Purpose of Salvation

We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession. These are corporate descriptions. People of every nation, language, and color are joined together as brothers and sisters in Christ.

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Guest AuthorComment
The Wonder of Salvation

The Apostle Paul begins with praise and continues with the wonderful benefits of salvation: born again. . . a living hope. . .an inheritance kept in heaven for us. These blessings of salvation are enough to meditate on for hours!

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Guest AuthorComment
At Home in a Foreign Land

Looking back, it seems crazy to think that when I first arrived in Parot, everyone was a stranger, and I could not tell who was who. Those strange faces became my friends, sisters, and teachers. Those living on the compound became family.

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Julie H.Comment
Our Aim in Missions

Having been redeemed, we no longer live for ourselves but out of love for our new Master. His love now constrains (seizes) us to go and proclaim his great salvation.

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Vince W.Comment
Prayer for unity

Our missionaries are declaring God’s multifaceted wisdom so that people understand how to apply the truth of scripture to their own lives. Our field workers are describing the hope they have for eternal glorification, a sure hope that empowers them through the Holy Spirit to stand firm in their commitment to Christ.

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Elizabeth N.Comment
Going Alone, but Not Alone

“God was not through with me; instead, he called me to be a sender. This year I went back to South Sudan with two other board members to visit for two weeks with the purpose of encouraging and supporting the Cush 4 Christ team.”

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Dean F.Comment