It Will Change Your Life!

If you are reading this, you should consider going to South Sudan. For the past sixteen years, RP Global Missions has been planting seeds in a place called Aweil. In the short three months that I was there, I was able to see seeds grow into saplings, and some preexistent saplings grow into small trees. The progress that has been accomplished in the past few years is remarkable, but there is still so much to be done. So make arrangements, pack your bags, book a flight, and visit South Sudan because it will change your life, as well as give you the opportunity to change the lives of others.

Both short- and long-term missionaries have testified that serving in South Sudan heightened their walk with God. One short termer said, “There’s something about leaving your home, stepping outside of your comfort zone and facing the unknown that drives you to put your trust in God.” But it’s not all uphill climbs and sharp edges that strengthens the faith of missionaries in South Sudan. Every week there’s something new to praise God for. Sickness becomes health, teaching becomes succeeding, pursuit becomes relationships, burdens become blessings. God’s work is up-close and evident to anyone with their eyes open.

Now you might be thinking, “What do I have to offer? What can I bring to the table? What use would I be?” And I thought the same things. I got on an airplane and went to South Sudan because I was following my parents. It was their mission. Their dream. But when I left South Sudan, I left my mission. My dream. Every day was a new opportunity. Every day was a new adventure. Every day was a new day to glorify God. I taught a class of kids the five senses, I baked a cake with three young girls who had never baked a cake before, I made a game of chess with some school kids so they could play it on their school holidays when there was nothing else to do, I spoke at a conference the youth had organized to encourage unbelieving friends, and I helped multiple kids understand that subtraction starts from the right, and not the left.

I was used. You will be used, too. Whoever you are. Big or small, young or old, you will be used. South Sudan needs people and labourers who are willing, to pack their bags, book a flight, and change lives.

Rose B.Comment