Holding the Ropes

Before embarking on his missionary journey to India, William Carey famously told Andrew Fuller,

“I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the ropes.”

Carey is known as the “Father of the Modern Missionary Movement,” but Fuller was equally important to the work. He served on the home front leading the organization, raising funds, recruiting missionaries, and mobilizing prayer for those on the frontlines.

Today, mission team workers are still enabled by rope-holders—committed believers who pray, support and encourage.

While Christ will be enough for you on the field, he will also use means (people) to support you in your life and ministry in Christ. Every mission worker should be surrounded by a team of people who will provide support to your life in Christ.

Who will be on each of your team of “rope-holders”? You should have two or three people who will be on each team of “rope-holders.”

  • Intercessors: People who will pray specifically for you as you share personal needs.

  • Supporters: People who are financially supporting your ministry or may want to support you directly or through a church or a mission agency.

  • Mentors: People who are experienced in life and ministry who will provide wise and loving counsel to you.

  • Friends: People you shared a close friendship with for years and who will communicate with you regularly while on the field and visit when able.

If you are sensing a call to serve overseas in the future, now is the time to start building your team of rope-holders.

And if God is calling you, at least for now, to serve him as a sender, whose ropes are you holding?

Vince W.Comment