Our Aim in Missions

Having been redeemed, we no longer live for ourselves but out of love for our new Master. His love now constrains (seizes) us to go and proclaim his great salvation.

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Vince W.Comment
Prayer for unity

Our missionaries are declaring God’s multifaceted wisdom so that people understand how to apply the truth of scripture to their own lives. Our field workers are describing the hope they have for eternal glorification, a sure hope that empowers them through the Holy Spirit to stand firm in their commitment to Christ.

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Elizabeth N.Comment
Going Alone, but Not Alone

“God was not through with me; instead, he called me to be a sender. This year I went back to South Sudan with two other board members to visit for two weeks with the purpose of encouraging and supporting the Cush 4 Christ team.”

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Dean F.Comment
Love Language

The words may be important to say in a culturally appropriate way, but it will not speak to the heart unless it is shown by our works.

How will you know what says “I love you” in action in these different languages and cultures?

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Vince W.Comment
Exploring Opportunities in Latin America

Trips overseas don’t usually make me nervous. But as the departure date approached for the RP Global Missions exploratory trip to South America, I could feel an anxious churn in my stomach. But that all changed the morning after our first night in Ecuador.

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Heather H.Comment

When you pray “Lord, your will be done,” is it because you have surrendered all and you are no longer insisting on your own will being done?

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Vince W.Comment
God's Songbook for the Land of the Rising Sun

To teach and guide the children of Japanese Christians was an encouragement to me and I am grateful for all the help that many in my congregation, and those in our Japanese congregations, provided. To see so many Japanese Christians gathering for the glory of our God, showed that the prayers of many saints were not left unheard…

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Guest AuthorComment
“It’s all about JESUS”

When we talk to people—more importantly, when we listen to people—are we perceiving the motivations of their lives? Listening to understand, rather than prejudge. Listening to identify those fundamental questions they are asking of life?

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Vince W.Comment